
Searching Through the Old Records of New France by Armand H. Dem

Searching Through the Old Records of New France by Armand H. Dem
Searching Through the Old Records of New France by Armand H. Demers, Jr.
A masterful translation of À Travers les Régistres by Rev. Cyprien Tanguay.
A complement to the Dictionnaire Généalogique des Familles Canadiennes, Rev.
Tanguay's "bible" of French-Canadian genealogy, this volume provides the genealogist
with thousands of stories and anecdotes culled from Rev. Tanguay's extensive research
in the parish registers of Québec. It brings to life the names and dates you've already
found in your research and provides a valuable insight into the daily lives of our ancestors
in the 17th and 18th centuries.
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