Pontiac County, Quebec Catholic Church Marriages 1836-1973
Records Include:
Bristol: St-Edward the Confessor 1928-1973
Bryson: L'Immaculée-Concéption 1947-1972
Campbell's Bay: St-Jean-l'Evangeliste 1920-1973
Chapeau: St-Alphonse 1836-1973
Demers-Centre: St-Joseph-de-l'Ile-aux-Allumettes 1910-1973
Dorion: St-Rock 1918-1973
Fort-Coulonge: St-Pierre 1884-1972
Grand-Calumet: Ste-Anne 1846-1973
Huddersfield: St-Charles-Borromée 1914-1972
Île-du-Gand-Calumet: St-Alphonse 1836-1973
Lac-Rapide: Notre-Dame-des-Rapides 1972-1973
Leslie, Clapham and Huddersfield: Eglise Baptiste Française, 1919-1958
North Onslow: Ste-Brigide 1918-1959
Otter Lake: Eglise Baptiste Française 1919-1958
Pontiac: St Mary's 1847-1973
Pontiac County: Civil Marriages 1969-1974
Portage-du-Fort: St-Jacques-le-Majeure, St James the Great 1851-1894
Quyon: St Mary's 1847-1973
Rapides-des-Joachims: Ste-Anne 1953-1973
Sheenboro: Saint Paul the Hermit 1872-1973
Vinton: Saint Elizabeth's 1856-1973
Waltham: Saint Elizabeth of Franktown 1944-1955
Wolf Lake: St-François-d'Assise 1895-1973
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